Mass customization the M&Ms way
Okay, maybe I've been living under a rock but since when did Mars start offering custom printed M&Ms? I discovered this news in a very smart (if ugly) ad that also had an offer for a free bag along with a special promotional code for tracking purposes. Brilliant. Textbook. I'm crazy-jealous. And of course I'm looking for any opportunity to buy some.
That was Tuesday. On Wednesday I received an email from Room & Board with the subject line: Furniture Designed By You, Built By Us. Basically, you get to mix-and-match fabrics and finishes and whatnot to get the features and look you want. Chairs, tables, cabinets -- whatever -- they can customize it.
This, of course, just feeds my frustration with wineries, all of which are inflexible and hidebound when it comes to custom(er) service. Just think about how rigid their wine clubs are. You want the good stuff? You going to have to take some of the not-so-good stuff. Your want three whites and one red? Sorry, this quarter's shipment is all red. You know how it goes. Can you imagine a winery ever attempting something as customer-centric as Mars or R&B??
I can.
Hey, did I mention that, in addition to the message, you also get to choose what color M&Ms you want?!
That was Tuesday. On Wednesday I received an email from Room & Board with the subject line: Furniture Designed By You, Built By Us. Basically, you get to mix-and-match fabrics and finishes and whatnot to get the features and look you want. Chairs, tables, cabinets -- whatever -- they can customize it.
This, of course, just feeds my frustration with wineries, all of which are inflexible and hidebound when it comes to custom(er) service. Just think about how rigid their wine clubs are. You want the good stuff? You going to have to take some of the not-so-good stuff. Your want three whites and one red? Sorry, this quarter's shipment is all red. You know how it goes. Can you imagine a winery ever attempting something as customer-centric as Mars or R&B??
I can.
Hey, did I mention that, in addition to the message, you also get to choose what color M&Ms you want?!